At HecKits, we know that having the proper test equipment to solve your Amateur Radio needs is important. Quite often the test equipment you would like to use costs more than you are willing to spend.
It is for this reason that we envisioned a small test equipment product line that can meet your troubleshooting needs, while keeping prices down by offering them in kit form.
HAMs the world over enjoy the challenge of building their own test gear and these kits should be fun to build and a welcome addition to the HAM shack.
HecKits is operated by Darrel Heckendorf, WA7OIB, in Austin, Texas. Our goal is to provide simple to build and easy to use small test equipment for radio amateurs.
Prices are in US dollars
USPS Priority Mail shipping within Continental USA, $11.00 for each product except the QRP mW Meter which is $13.00 & the ACVM/SINAD Meter which is $19.50. For multiple products or international shipping costs, email for quotation. See end of this page.
All Prices are in US dollars
50 Ohm SWR Bridge / Freq Counter $85.00
L/C Meter $80.00
ESR Meter $60.00
2-Tone Audio Generator $70.00
Milliohm Meter-Short Tracer $65.00
Variable Tone Generator $60.00
50 Ohm Parallel Line Return Loss Bridge $65.00
CW Keyer $50.00
QRP mW Meter $120
50 ohm 62dB Step Attenuator $80.00 ACVM/SINAD Meter $235.00
Assembly manuals emailed after placing your order.